Dual Language Immersion Program

Little Lake City School District is proud to offer Dual Language Immersion for incoming TK and Kindergarten students for the 2025-2026 School Year!

Dual Language Immersion School:
William Orr Elementary
12130 Jersey Ave.
Norwalk, CA 90650 
Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten Only – Space is limited

Dual Language Immersion Program

What is Dual Language Immersion?

Dual Language Immersion is a unique educational model where children learn to think, read, write, and communicate in two languages: English and the target language, Spanish. The program is designed to help students develop proficiency and academic competency in both languages. The ultimate goal is that students will be bilingual and biliterate by fifth grade. The language instructional model begins with a 90:10 model in Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten, meaning that students begin the program with 90% of their instruction in Spanish, and 10% in English. The amount of English instruction increases at first grade until there is a 50/50 balance of Spanish and English.

90/10 – TK and Kindergarten

80/20 – First Grade

70/30 – Second Grade

60/40 – Third Grade

50/50 – Fourth and Fifth Grade

In addition, the ideal composition of the class is 50% Native Spanish speakers, and 50% English speakers. 

Program Goals

  • Bilingualism and Biliteracy – Students develop high levels of language proficiency and literacy in English and Spanish
  • Academic Achievement – Students achieve at high levels of academic excellence in all content areas, meeting district and California State Standards
  • Multicultural Understanding – An appreciation of students’ home languages and cultures in our global society

Dual Immersion Program Requirements

  • Your child must be eligible birthdate
  • Transitional kindergarten with a birthdate between 09/02/2020 and 09/01/2021
  • Kindergarten with a birthdate before 09/01/2020
  • The program will accept applications from both native Spanish and English speakers
  • All student applicants will need to take a short assessment to confirm their language proficiency
  • All enrollment must be completed and proper documents submitted in order to be entered into the lottery
  • Parents are expected to make a multi-year commitment (throughout elementary school), in order for students to have the necessary time to develop both biliteracy and bilingual skills

How to Enroll?

Enrollment for new students 2025-2026 (Never enrolled in LLCSD Schools)

William Orr ResidentDistrict ResidentOut of district residents
– Complete the online new student enrollment and submit accompanying documents (proof of residence, birth certificate, parent ID, immunization records, physical, and dental forms)
– Complete the online new student enrollment for your Home School and submit accompanying documents (proof of residence, birth certificate, parent ID, immunization records, physical, and dental forms)
– If accepted to the program, you will need to complete and sign an Intra-District Permit. The Educational Services department will assist you with this and will move your registration from your home school to William Orr.
-If not accepted, your child will remain in their spot at their home school
– Request and receive an approved permit from your home district.
– Complete the online new student enrollment listing William Orr as your home school and using the William Orr address. Submit accompanying documents (permit, proof of residence, birth certificate, parent ID, immunization records, physical, and dental forms)
-If accepted to the program the permit will be approved by LLCSD
-If not accepted, you will be contacted by Educational Services to determine next steps

Enrollment for current students 2025-2026 (Currently enrolled in LLCSD Schools)

William Orr Resident

District Resident 
– If accepted to the program, you will need to complete and sign an Intra-District Permit. The Educational Services department will assist you with this and will move your registration from your home school to William Orr.
-If not accepted, your child will remain in their spot at their home school
  1. Apply between February 3, 2025 – March 28, 2025. All students must complete the online enrollment AND complete the Dual Language Program Application. Remember that all documents must be submitted.
  2. Assessments for student applicants will take place between April 1 – 30
    • Applicants will be contacted for a date and time
      • Based on the assessment, students primary language will be identified as either English, Spanish, or bilingual
  3. Lottery – All applicants will be entered into lottery groups, based on their primary language. IF enrollment has been completed and required documents submitted.
    • Lottery selection is according to the following priorities:
      • William Orr residents
      • Little Lake City School District residents
      • Non-LLCSD resident
  4. All applicants will be notified of their status (selected or waitlist) on or before May 9 via email.
    • If the applicant is selected, they must confirm their acceptance of the offer within 10 days as indicated on the letter. 
    • If the applicant is not selected, you will be notified of their wait list status. If space becomes available, you will be notified.

Want More Information?

Questions regarding the program? Please contact Educational Services at (562) 868-8241